Welcome to the Phantom Lake Mercantile!
Campers can shop at the Mercantile during free time. To help our campers learn money management and how to wisely spend their camp store money, we only allow campers to shop at the Mercantile once per day. We typically recommend $40-$60 per camper for snacks and souvenirs. To help you decide how much funds to provide your child with, we have listed items available at the store below.
Please scroll to the bottom of the page to see photos of some of the items we have available
$35 - PLYC Hoodie
$22 - Rainbow Tree T-Shirt
$18 - Laugh S’More T-Shirt
$15 - Tie-Dye T-Shirt
$8 - White T-shirt*
*White T-shirts may be tie-dyed in the craft shop
$2-3 - Ice Cream
$2 - Cold drinks (Gatorade, ice tea, etc)
$1.50 - Chips and other bagged snacks
$15 - Log Pillow
$10 - PLYC Water Bottle
$10 - PLYC Stuffed Animal
$8 - Campfire Necklace
$8 - PLYC Sunglasses
Sale Items
$15 - Navy Crew Sweatshirt
$15 - Gray Crew Sweatshirt
$10 - Black Campfire T-shirt
(Please note these are in limited supply and sizes)
If you would like your campers to be able to spend money at the Camp Store please make sure to add funds via CampInTouch. Please see below for more information on how to add funds to your account.
Please note that any unused funds left over at the end of summer will be credited as a donation and used to fund projects such as tent repair, craft shop supplies, and program development.
1) Log in to your CampInTouch Account
2)Scroll down to the “Your Family” Section on the Home Page
3) Click “View Camp Store”
4) Click the “Fund” button next to the Camper whose account you want to add funds to
5) Enter the amount you would like to add to the Camp Store
6) Click Submit