Camperships – Financial Assistance
2025 Financial Assistance Process
Assistance is awarded without regard to race, color, religion, sexual orientation, or national origin. Scholarships are available to day campers and resident campers for one session of camp per calendar year.
Strong Kids Campership program (“Scholarships”) These Funds are available due to the generous donations from supporters and friends of Phantom Lake YMCA Camp.
Required Information
Application will not be processed without all of the completed information:
• Completed Financial Assistance Application
• Most recent Fed Income Tax statement
• 2 current payroll check stubs
Download Financial Assistance Form
2025 Financial Assistance Application is accepted until April 15, 2025.

Strong Kids Campership Application Process
1. Complete Phantom Lake YMCA Camp Registration Form-please register on line at when you get to the payment section choose that you will pay by check.
2. Complete the Financial Assistance Application. It must be filled out COMPLETLEY. Nothing can be left blank. (one form per family).
3. Include a copy of your most recent Fed Income Tax statement (Only page 1 & 2 are needed) and 2 payroll check stubs with this application.
4. Mail in the Financial Aid form, paystubs and tax information within 14 days of submitting the camper application.
5. Write a deposit check Payable to: Phantom Lake YMCA Camp: $50 for resident camp programs, $25 for day camp programs
6. Submit items to: or mail to:
Phantom Lake YMCA Camp
Attn: Financial Assistance
S110W32040 YMCA Camp Road
Mukwonago WI 53149
What You Can Expect-
Executive Director or a designee, based on a confidential review of the financial assistance application, will determine financial assistance eligibility and you will be notified within 2 weeks of receiving your completed paperwork and deposit. Deposit checks will not be cashed until we have finished processing your request and have reached an agreeable scholarship amount. The YMCA reserves the right to refuse assistance to any applicant.